
Dismantling Barriers: Organizations Unapologetically Supporting Black Construction Professionals


Black builders have  been underrepresented and faced obstacle after obstacle, a stark reality stemming from systemic barriers deeply rooted within the construction industry’s landscape. For too long, these challenges have persisted, denying Black contractors and other HUBs their fair share of publicly funded projects, while stalling the growth of the business capacity. But there are organizations that have been in this fight for years, working tirelessly to create a level playing field and empower Black construction professionals, architects, and engineers. These groups are not just appearing on the scene – they’ve been at it, putting in the hard work to exact real change in the industry.

The Black Contractors Association: A Powerful Voice in Alabama

Among them now is the newest force joining the battle – the Black Contractors Association Inc. – Alabama Chapter (BCA-AC). While they may be the new kids on the block, don’t let that fool you. BCA-AC is a powerhouse ready to take this mission head-on. They are locked and loaded to be a beacon of hope for Black contractors in Alabama and a model for what these initiatives can accomplish nationwide. The Black Contractors Association (BCA) has hit the ground running, quickly cementing itself as the leading champion for Black general contractors and construction professionals in Alabama. Jarrod Sims, President of the Birmingham chapter, leaves no room for ambiguity when he states, “Our mission is crystal clear: we will raise the bar in our communities, rally support for our local businesses, and foster deeper engagement between the business sector and the broader community.” At its core, the BCA stands tall on four unwavering pillars: advocacy, legal support, empowering resources, and creating opportunities. These pillars aren’t just buzzwords; they represent the fundamental principles that drive every aspect of the organization’s work in supporting, empowering, and promoting the interests of Black contractors within the construction industry.
Through steadfast advocacy, the BCA ensures that the voices of Black contractors are amplified and their concerns are brought to the forefront, refusing to let them be overlooked or marginalized. With legal support as a pillar, the organization provides a robust safety net, equipping its members with the tools and expertise to navigate the complex legal landscape and protect their rights. Empowering resources form another crucial pillar, offering a wealth of knowledge, training, and guidance to help Black contractors sharpen their skills, stay ahead of industry trends, and build the capacity to thrive in a competitive market. And at the heart of it all, the BCA is laser-focused on creating opportunities – opening doors, facilitating connections, and ensuring that Black contractors have a fair shot at securing projects and contracts.

Breaking Barriers Nationwide: A Movement Gaining Momentum

While the Black Contractors Association of Alabama (BCA-AC) leads the charge locally, it’s part of a surging nationwide movement determined to uplift and support historically underutilized businesses (HUBs) in construction – professionals, contractors, architects, and engineers from underrepresented communities. The numbers don’t lie, and they’re startling. According to recent statistics from the Construction Employers Association, Black workers make up just 11.1% of the construction workforce, while a staggering 53% are white. In architecture, the disparity is even more glaring – fewer than 2% of registered architects were Black in 2022.  These sobering disparities have ignited a fire, sparking the formation of organizations across the country dedicated to addressing this imbalance head-on and creating real opportunities for underrepresented groups to thrive. Take the U.S. Minority Contractors Association (USMCA) for example. This nationwide powerhouse, founded over three decades ago, was born from a fierce desire to help minority contractors become “bid-ready” and gain the capacity to truly compete in the construction arena. Today, with approximately 250 members spanning 26 states, the USMCA offers invaluable assistance, advocacy, and partnerships, empowering minority contractors to stake their claim.
Another influential player is the National Black Contractors Association, headquartered in San Diego. This organization’s mission? To provide leadership, support, professional development, and mentorship – the tools underrepresented contractors across the U.S. need to grow their businesses and experience long-overdue financial success.

Cultivating the Next Generation: Empowering Minority Talent

While supporting established contractors is crucial, many organizations are also laser-focused on nurturing the next generation of minority professionals in construction, engineering, and architecture. Leading this charge is the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), a trailblazer since its founding in 1975. With an impressive network of over 790 chapters, the NSBE is dedicated to supporting college and pre-college students as they pursue academic success in technology and engineering. Through summer camps, initiatives to boost minority enrollment in engineering programs, and encouragement to reach for advanced STEM degrees, the NSBE is paving the way for a more diverse and inclusive workforce in these critical fields.
Similarly, the National Association of Black Women in Construction (NABWIC), formed in 1991, has made it their mission to empower Black women in construction and related industries. With chapters spanning 10 states, the organization provides training, facilitates connections, offers support and educational resources, and advocates tirelessly for its members, raising national awareness of the invaluable contributions Black women make in construction-related professions.

A Profound Legacy of Empowerment and Entrepreneurship

While these organizations are relatively recent developments, the pursuit of empowering Black professionals and entrepreneurs has deep, profound roots. In 1900, Booker T. Washington established the National Business League (NBL), the first nonprofit association for Black professionals in the United States. For over a century, the NBL has been at the vanguard of empowering Black workers and helping them establish successful business endeavors. Today, with an impressive 120,000 members across the nation and City Business League and Student Business League chapters in every state, the organization provides vital programs, resources, partnerships, and facilitated connections to support its members on their entrepreneurial journeys.

Another initiative making waves is By Black, a nonprofit that certifies Black-owned businesses, earning them trusted vendor status and opening doors to invaluable opportunities, events, grants, and connections within the community. By shining a light on these businesses, By Black is helping to dismantle barriers and create a more inclusive economic landscape.

Undeterred: Defying Hypocrisy and Forging Ahead

As these trailblazing organizations intensify their efforts, amplifying their voices and expanding their influence, the construction industry and related fields stand at a crossroads. On one side lies the entrenched status quo – a landscape marred by systemic inequities and exclusionary practices. On the other, a new era beckons, one defined by true diversity, equity, and inclusion. The relentless efforts of the Black Contractors Association, the U.S. Minority Contractors Association, the National Black Contractors Association, and countless other groups will not be deterred by the hypocritical cries of “reverse racism” or the frivolous lawsuits filed by those desperately clinging to outdated paradigms. These organizations are dismantling barriers, not erecting new ones, paving pathways for Black construction professionals, architects, engineers, and tradesmen to thrive based on their merits, not the color of their skin. Despite the misguided and often mean-spirited opposition, this movement remains undaunted. Its impact transcends individual success stories; it is a seismic shift that will reverberate through the halls of power, forever altering the trajectory of industries that have perpetuated systemic inequality for far too long. “We are empowering our members through relentless advocacy, robust legal support, empowering resources, and creating real opportunities,” states Jarrod Sims. This call to action resonates across the nation, fueling a movement driven by resilience, determination, and an unshakable resolve to forge a future where success hinges on fair play, not the hypocrisy of those threatened by change.

There is no going back, and this movement will not rest until its indelible mark is forever etched upon the foundation of the construction industry and beyond. They are redefining the landscape of opportunity for generations to come – a future where diversity and inclusion are not mere catchphrases but a lived reality, a testament to the enduring spirit of those who refused to be deterred by wrongful opposition or baseless claims.


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