
Building a Brighter Future: Dr. Mitte Cannon on Careers in Construction


By Bill Day

Bill Day : Dr. Cannon, thank you for taking the time to speak with us. To start, can you tell us a little about your background and how you became involved in workforce development and supporting careers in construction?

Dr. Cannon : The way I became involved in workforce development was not planned. I was studying to become a doctor and working in research development; I took an assignment in middle Georgia to run and oversee an on-site drug testing facility and it landed me on a construction site. I saw so many people come in all the time for their drug test, but I didn’t see almost any women or minorities. I asked the HR director about this and why it was the case, and he never gave me a real answer. This is what sparked my interest in workforce development.
Because of this, I decided I needed to get on the other side, so I became an electrical helper, even though I wasn’t really qualified at the time. The superintendent told me about a women’s support group, and at that meeting, I met the Vice President of the company. He extended an opportunity to work in workforce development as a training manager. They recognized my talent, I really loved it, and everything flourished from there.

Bill Day : What excites you most about the National Careers in Construction Month Family Festival?

Dr. Cannon : “You know, I’m really passionate about careers in construction, and this event brings it all together. As a proud tradeswoman, I’ve seen firsthand the unlimited opportunities this industry offers. What I love about this festival is that it’s not just about promoting construction careers – it’s about bringing families together, creating positive experiences, and enriching our community. “It’s about showcasing the impact we can have on individuals and communities. We’re not just talking about jobs; we’re talking about transforming lives. And by engaging families in hands-on activities, we’re inspiring the next generation to explore these opportunities. “For me, this event is personal. I want it to be more than just a campaign to increase awareness. I want it to be a celebration of the positive change we can create together. By heightening awareness through family enrichment and community engagement, we’re building a stronger, more supportive community – and that’s what gets me excited.”

Bill Day : Dr. Cannon, how do you think this event will benefit our community, and why is it so important for young people to explore careers in construction?

Dr. Cannon : Well, Bill, the CICM family festival has the potential to make a real impact. Individuals can learn about careers in construction and connect with industry professionals. And let’s not underestimate the power of construction – it drives economic growth and development in our local communities.

Bill Day : That’s fascinating.

Dr. Cannon : Yes, and if people learn about these career opportunities and pursue them, it can lead to long-term economic growth. Our communities become more attractive, and the quality of life improves for residents. It’s a ripple effect.

Bill Day : I understand Power UP and CRL Resources are partnering with several organizations, including BCAAC, to make this event happen. Can you elaborate on the role these collaborators play and why collaboration is crucial for the event’s success?

Dr. Cannon : Absolutely, Bill. Power UP and CRL Resources recognize the importance of building relationships and collaborating with others in the community. That’s why we reached out to like-minded organizations.

Bill Day : That makes sense.

Dr. Cannon : This event is much bigger than just Power UP and CRL Resources. To achieve our goals, we need to work together. By collaborating, we can accomplish far more than we could alone.

Bill Day : How are these collaborators contributing to the event?

Dr. Cannon : We’re sharing responsibilities across the board. Our partners are providing volunteers for various tasks, such as registering vendors, overseeing the costume contest, judging contests, handling housekeeping and safety, and much more. It’s a true team effort.

Bill Day : What specific activities or features have you most excited about this event?

Dr. Cannon : I’m thrilled to share everything this event has to offer our community and residents. It’s essential we recognize the value of initiatives like CICM and continue to build on them.

Bill Day : Absolutely.

Dr. Cannon : Collaboration is vital for the event’s success, but its impact goes far beyond that. It’s crucial for revitalizing our neighborhoods. Our communities desperately need positive energy and initiatives. By working together on this level, we can create a more positive community image, fostering pride and a sense of belonging among residents.

Bill Day : What else can the community expect from the event?

Dr. Cannon : They’ll get to meet and connect with people who care about our industry and community, and even win some great prizes like picnic tables and storage buildings.

Bill Day : What are some of the key takeaways you hope the community gains from attending the festival?

Dr. Cannon : Well, Bill, I’m hoping the community takes away a few crucial things from this event.

Bill Day : Absolutely, what are those?

Dr. Cannon : First and foremost, increased awareness of the various career pathways available in the construction industry. There are so many opportunities out there.

Bill Day : That’s so important.

Dr. Cannon : Additionally, I hope families recognize the importance of spending quality time together and establishing a strong structure. And, of course, community engagement – we want people to feel invested in their community.

Bill Day : For those just starting to explore a career in construction, what advice would you offer?

Dr. Cannon : If someone’s new to the idea of a construction career, my advice is simple: do your homework.

Bill Day : Elaborate on that.

Dr. Cannon : Research programs like Build Your Future (BYF) and GoBuild to gain a deeper understanding of the skilled trades. Construction isn’t for everyone, so it’s essential to learn as much as possible.

Bill Day : What specific aspects should they research?

Dr. Cannon : Everything! The skilled professions, wages, benefits, travel opportunities – you name it. Being informed will help them make an educated decision about their career path.

Bill Day : How crucial is family engagement in events like this, and how can families support their children’s interest in construction?

Dr. Cannon : Family engagement is vital. Parents have the greatest influence on their children, so it’s essential they’re involved.

Bill Day : That makes sense.

Dr. Cannon : To truly make an impact on kids, we need to include parents in the process. We must create programs and initiatives that bring families together, allowing them to explore and learn side by side.

Bill Day : What’s the goal of this family engagement?

Dr. Cannon : The goal is for families to have an exploratory experience that educates and empowers them. By doing so, children will be more likely to develop a genuine interest in construction and pursue it as a career path.

Bill Day : What role can the broader community play in ensuring the success of this event, and how can they continue to support your mission and the work of the participating organizations beyond the festival?

Dr. Cannon : The broader community can play a significant role in helping us succeed.

Bill Day : How so?

Dr. Cannon : Simply by spreading the word. Promoting community engagement and encouraging others to get involved can make a huge difference.

Bill Day : That’s easy enough. And what about after the festival?

Dr. Cannon : Continuing to spread the word, staying engaged, and supporting our mission will help sustain the momentum we build during the event.

Bill Day : Finally, Dr. Cannon, what message would you like to share with the people of Birmingham and surrounding communities as you invite them to the National Careers in Construction Month Family Festival?

Dr. Cannon : I’d love to extend a warm invitation to everyone in Birmingham and the surrounding areas.

Bill Day : Absolutely.

Dr. Cannon : I encourage you to join us for an evening of family fun and exploration. Come discover the rewarding careers in construction that often fly under the radar.

Bill Day : What makes these careers so special?

Dr. Cannon : These skilled professionals build the very structures we live and work in every day. They’re the ones who come to our rescue during natural disasters, rebuilding and restoring our communities.

Bill Day : That’s a powerful message.

Dr. Cannon : I want people to recognize the value and impact of these careers. They’re not just jobs – they’re essential to our daily lives.

Bill Day : Thank you, Dr. Cannon, for sharing your insights and passion for promoting careers in construction. Your dedication to empowering the community is truly inspiring.

Dr. Cannon : Thank you, Bill. It’s been a pleasure.

Bill Day : And to our readers, thank you for joining us for this special interview. Don’t miss the National Careers in Construction Month Family Festival – mark your calendars and get ready to explore the possibilities!

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